Robin Massey, PhD, LAC

american association of counselors


Dr. Massey is a licensed associate counselor, dedicated to encouraging and empowering people to cultivate healthy lives – spiritually, mentally, physically, and relationally. She counsels and coaches, seeking to help people develop the clarity and confidence to live purpose filled lives. Her approach to counseling is rooted in a biblical worldview, which means she believe in the power of Grace and redemption.

As someone who has “been there,” Dr. Massey counsels on trauma, sexual abuse, toxic relationships, boundaries, grief, divorce, domestic abuse, college and career planning, professional development, life transitions, and new beginnings (Psalm 37:24).

She especially enjoys working with women in various stages of life, and as a former high school teacher, certified school counselor, and college professor, she employs a light-hearted style when connecting with teens and young adults.

Hope is powerful; therefore, Dr. Massey feels it an honor to work with people seeking to move beyond their current struggles. She grew up in unstable and uncertain circumstances involving abuse, neglect, homelessness, and death of a parent when she was only seven. These circumstances set her on search for love and identity that she later learned could only be found in the Creator.

Although Dr. Massey became a Christian as a teenager, her relationship with the Lord deepened later in life when she surrendered her ways for His and she stopped trying to fill the God shaped holes in her heart with things that would not satisfy. She, instead, traded her need for accomplishment, approval, and accolades for the everlasting healing that would come only through Grace, Faith, and EMDR.

As a result, Dr. Massey specializes in Eye Movement, Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), a research based therapeutic approach to exploring unhealed wounds and to reducing the disturbance of traumatic and/or painful memories. This holistic approach considers the mind, soul, and spirit – to help you heal from your painful past.

Fresh starts and new morning mercies. Dr. Massey adamantly believes you’re not defined by what you’ve done or by what’s been done to you. ~ Your past does not dictate your future (Lamentations 3:22-23). On a lighter note, Dr. Massey is an aspiring beach dweller, with a flair for cooking, decorating, and organizing. She is fueled by coffee, tea, and joy!

Dr. Massey is working under the direct supervision of Emilie Christman, LCSW who is an approved Clinical Supervisor through the Arizona Board of Behavioral Health Examiners. She will be working out of our North Phoenix Offices. You can connect with Dr. Massey at 602.284.3151 or

Office Location

I am able to meet with clients either online via telehealth or in person at my office.